Thursday, November 13, 2008

My thoughts - 1 (Ambition)

As the saying goes, "Look Up & Aim High". A person should have high Aims in Life. A child is always told by his parents to become someone whom the world knows and respects. Hence, since Childhood, the child starts dreaming about being a great personality. But we all should know that life does not reward you without Pain. In order to win your desire, you should work hard for it. Some people are Lucky to attain what they desire very soon. Where as some find it very late after a lot of Hard work. Some people work very hard and due to some unavoidable reasons, they give up and choose something else for the moment. But a true Human is the one who does not give up in any circumstances and keeps the struggle on and on, until he succeeds.
"Don't you Mess with 'Fate'... But Once you decide on what your 'Fate' should be... Then GO FOR IT, No matter "What" or "Who" tries to stop you."


Usha said...

-'once you decide your fate'
that sounds interesting!

Ferox Magister said...

@usha, :-)